KLIMA SERWIS 15.15  We have experience in air-conditioning installation and servicing, including household, offices and industrial / commercial facilities.

We use optimal solutions regarding the technical and budget requirements of the investor.

Our qualifications are authorized by companies such as SINCLAIR, LG, Samsung, Fujitsu, GREE, ROTENSO, HITACHI, YORK.

Apart from the installation of new devices we offer its service, including after sales service.

Installation – Questions to the investor:

  1. Object type and size/m3?
  2. Additional interior heat gains /for example the amount of comp., working people etc./?
  3. Interior unit types and location?
  4. The cooling system distribution?
  5. The condensate distribution?
  6. 240/400V power – from where?
  7. Control systems?

Before we answer the essential question: “How much does it cost?” we want to agree the questions above.

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